Do I Qualify for Earned Income Tax Credit

Before delving into the concept of earned income tax credit, it may be useful to first define earned income. This is simply money earned from business ventures you may undertake for yourself or as an employee of another. As a result, it covers the entire range of salaries, revenue, tips, and so on. Unemployment benefits, alimony, child support, and retirement income, on the other hand, do not fall into this category. After that, how does it relate to the earned income tax credit (EITC)? By the end, you should have a good understanding of what EITC is, how it works, and what qualification requirements may exist. Related Articles Tax Season 2022 What Are Federal Tax Liens? A Complete Overview What is the Difference Between Tax Credits and Tax Deductions What Is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)? Simply put, it is a refundable tax credit that workers in the low-to-moderate income bracket receive on their federal tax returns. If you look at it strictly in terms of scaling, you could say ...