12 Tax Filing Mistakes to Avoid

What are the most common tax filing mistakes people make? How can you avoid them? Read this article to learn more!

To avoid the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from calling your attention, file your taxes properly. To save you money and keep you away from stress, remind yourself to avoid the following tax mistakes: 

  1. Make sure that you don’t forget basic information needed when filing your tax returns such as your complete name, address, and name of your dependents. Always double-check for the correct spelling and make sure your Social Security number is correct. Don’t leave any typographical errors since this will lead to inaccuracy. Select the appropriate filing status for your situation. For example, if you are unmarried, you can file as single, however, you could qualify for a more favorable tax rate if you meet the requirements and declare that you are the head of the household. Moreover, married couples may pay less tax if they are filed separately. 
  2. You should report the same financial information as what you have reported to the IRS on forms such as W-2, 1099, and K1. Any information that will be included in these forms should be entered carefully. 
  3. Enter items on the correct line, always proofread what you wrote, and make sure that entries appear where they intend them to. 
  4. Make sure that you don’t automatically take the standard deductions. You may opt to use alternatives that give you greater write-off and don’t take a write-off to which you are entitled. You may shy away to certain deductions that may trigger a tax audit, but the IRS created a simple deduction alternative which is an alternative to writing off expenses. 
  5. Always indicate the manner you want to handle your refund. If you overpaid and are qualified for a refund, always be proactive and include in the form how you want your refund to be handled. Include your bank account, otherwise, you will be receiving a check from the US Treasury which can take longer.
  6. You should have a State healthcare care individual mandate to avoid paying charges.
  7. Pay properly especially if you owe taxes and payment is properly credited to you. 
  8. Don’t fail to include every last cent of your income. You don’t want the IRS to think that you’re hiding something. Should your financial activities look suspicious they may have cause to investigate the areas of your tax return, worse they may even request a full tax audit. 
  9. Making numerical mistakes will cause you problems in filing your tax returns. To avoid this, hire a tax professional or use tax credit software to eliminate any numerical mistakes.
  10. When you finish filling up the forms, make sure to sign and date your tax return. A filled-up tax form but with no signature and date is considered as not having filed at all because the IRS will not recognize it. 
  11. Always file on time because if you are going to file the tax return on a later date, you must request an extension in advance. Otherwise, additional costs will result once you are ready to file. 
  12. Don’t forget to include your payment information and do double-check it because payments will actually clear once you have included the bank detail correctly. 

Having IRS Related Issues?

If you are having tax problems and would like an expert to walk you through the steps necessary to resolve any and all IRS issues, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Get Your Tax and Accounting Questions Answered by Our CPA Firm in El Paso, TX

If you’re looking for a reputable CPA firm in El Paso, TX consider calling us at Marcus, Fairall, Bristol + Co., PLLC! We’ll answer any and all of your accounting-related questions such as IRS issues. We offer our clients a variety of accounting services such as the following:

Marcus, Fairall, Bristol + Co., PLLC
Full-Service CPA Firm
230 Thunderbird Dr Ste G
El Paso, TX 79912
Phone: (915) 775-1040


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